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About MediaInfo

MediaInfo is a free and open-source software that displays technical and tag data for video and audio files. It provides a detailed analysis of audio and video streams, container formats, and metadata, including information about codec, bit rate, frame rate, resolution, audio channels, language, subtitles, and more. 

MediaInfo displays detailed information about a file's container format, video and audio codec, bit rate, frame rate, resolution, aspect ratio, and other technical details. It can also extract metadata such as title, artist, album, genre, and cover art.

MediaInfo has a user-friendly interface and supports both graphical and command-line modes of operation. It can also be integrated with other software applications, such as media players and video editors, to provide technical information about the files being used.

MediaInfo is a powerful tool for anyone who works with audio and video files and needs to understand their technical characteristics and metadata. MediaInfo can be used as a standalone application or as a library that can be integrated into other programs. It is a useful tool for media professionals, developers, and anyone who needs to work with media files.

Key Features:

  • Display technical information about audio and video files, including codecs, bit rates and resolution.
  • Provide information about the container format of the file, such as file format and duration.
  • Show metadata related to the media, such as title, author and album.
  • Process multiple files at a time.
  • Support wide audio and video file formats.
  • Provide graphical user interface and command line interface for flexibility.

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