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About PicPick

PicPick is a versatile and user-friendly software designed for capturing and editing images on Windows-based systems. With its array of powerful features and intuitive interface, PicPick has become a popular choice among graphic designers, educators, and casual users alike.

At its core, PicPick provides seamless screenshot functionality, allowing users to capture the entire screen, specific windows, or a user-defined region with ease. Additionally, it offers various capture modes, such as scrolling window capture for lengthy web pages and multi-region capture for multiple areas at once.

Beyond capturing, PicPick boasts a robust image editor, enabling users to edit, enhance, and annotate their screenshots effortlessly. The editor includes a wide range of tools, such as crop, resize, rotate, and various filters to modify images according to their needs.

One standout feature of PicPick is its built-in color picker, allowing users to identify the exact color code of any pixel on the screen. This feature proves invaluable for designers and developers who require precise color matching.

Moreover, PicPick offers pixel-level measurement tools for accurately determining the dimensions of elements within images. This feature is particularly useful in web design and layout tasks.

PicPick's seamless integration with popular platforms like email, social media, and cloud services streamlines the sharing process. Users can easily upload and share their edited images with just a few clicks.

PicPick is a powerful and versatile image editing and screen capturing tool that combines a wide array of features with a user-friendly interface. Whether you need to capture screenshots, edit images, or perform color analysis, PicPick has you covered, making it an essential addition to any Windows user's software arsenal.

Key Features:

  • Screen capture: Capture full screen, windows, or selected regions.
  • Image editor: Edit and enhance screenshots with basic tools.
  • Annotation: Add text, arrows, shapes, and highlights to images.
  • Color picker: Identify colors from the screen with codes (RGB, HEX).
  • Magnifier: Zoom in on specific screen areas.
  • Pixel ruler: Measure distances between points.
  • Whiteboard: Draw and write on a virtual whiteboard.
  • Protractor: Measure angles on the screen.
  • Crosshair: Align and measure accurately.
  • Customizable hotkeys: Assign shortcuts for quick access.

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