Month: October 2016

  • How to Whitelist Email Addresses in Gmail

    Do you find that you’re missing emails that should be going to your inbox but are ending up in your junk folder instead? If you use Gmail, these are the steps to whitelist any email address so you can be sure not to miss important emails. Open your Gmail inbox in a browser and go to Settings…

  • How to Reset Your Windows 10 Password

    Setting a password on your Windows 10 user account is great for security, but forgetting what that password is can be a headache. 1. Reset Your Password Online In Windows 10, your user profile can either be a local and offline account or an online Microsoft account. The latter is the default and means that your account…

  • How to Secure Your Gmail Account

    Can you imagine how much data someone could steal if they hacked into your Gmail account? Better that you don’t find out. Instead of leaving your emails vulnerable, take these quick and easy steps to secure your account right now. 1. Access your security settings. Log into Gmail, click your profile photo at the top right…