Month: February 2017

  • How to Back Up Files Automatically in Excel 2016

    Accidental deletions or changes to a file can ruin your day–if you don’t have a backup of your original file. Excel’s AutoBackup feature will help keep your data as safe as possible by saving a previous version of your spreadsheet automatically. Here’s how to use it. AutoBackup makes a copy of your spreadsheet when you…

  • How to Reduce Memory Usage in Google Chrome

    If you use Google Chrome and notice your computer slowing down, you’re not alone — Google’s browser has a bit of a reputation for eating up RAM.  If you don’t want to use Chrome’s  built-in task manager all the time, there are some extensions that can help you out. Option 1: The Great Suspender The Great…

  • How to Stop Autoplaying Videos in Firefox

    It happens all the time. You open a web page expecting to read a plain text article and you’re confronted by a video that starts rolling without your permission. Fortunately, if you’re on Firefox, there’s a built-in option that prevents videos from starting until you click their play buttons. In our experience testing the feature,…

  • How to Change Firefox’s Default Email Handling

    Clicking a mailto: link in any browser typically opens up the default email client your PC got bundled with (usually Windows or Mac Mail). But Firefox allows you to change how these links are handled in just a few steps. Once changed, you’ll open all mailto: links in the client of your choice, whether it’s…