Month: September 2017

  • Best Cloud Storage and File-Sharing Software

    It’s pretty clear that people and businesses will continue the trend of reducing their need to rely on costly hardware and infrastructure by placing files and applications in the cloud. It provides seamless access to all your important data—Word docs, PDFs, spreadsheets, photos, any other digital assets from wherever you are. If you don’t yet have a…

  • How Does a Computer Get Infected with Viruses, Spyware or Malware?

    There are dozens of ways a computer get infected with spyware, viruses, or malware. The constant use of Internet has increased the risk of infection by viruses and malware, leading to potential data loss and identity theft. Every internet user should be versed in how to prevent virus infection. Armed with the knowledge to avoid getting and spreading virus…

  • Why is Your Computer Running Slow? How to Fix It?

    When your computer is running slow, and work is piling up, we can all relate to how annoying it is!  Before giving up, here are a few steps that you can check to help it get faster. Reboot If your computer has not been rebooted recently, make sure to reboot it before following any of the steps…