Author: kate

  • How to tag photos in Windows 7 Photo Viewer?

    When you have tens of gigs of photos in the Pictures library it’s hard to keep track of specific things like: how can I find photos with aunt Jane or where are those photos where we fooled around wearing fake mustaches? Things are a lot easier if you tag the images right after you copy…

  • How to restore your system to an earlier configuration in Windows 7?

    Sometimes, after you install an update or download something “funny”, there’s a risk that your system will start to run extremely slow or even malfunction. Viruses can do that too and when all fails, you think of reinstalling the system. Well, there is another solution before that tedious and time consuming task: System Restore, a…

  • How to set the default browser and other programs in Windows 7?

    Let‘s say that you made a mistake and you set Internet Explorer as the default browser, or you just installed Opera browser just to see how it works and you accidentally clicked YES on the dialogue box that asked you if you want to set is as the default browser. You can live through this…

  • How to rename a Worksheet in Excel 2007?

    When you open a new Excel 2007 workbook, you will have three worksheets to work with by default. When you’re only using one worksheet there’s no reason to name it but if you have a lot of them, the naming thing becomes a must if you want to organize your work properly. I’ve asked a…

  • How to create a Windows 7 System Repair Disc?

      You never know what can happen tomorrow. Maibe your system will crash and you will be put in the situation of reinstalling your system. However, you can do a preemptive action like creating a repair disk before all breaks down. The System Repair Diskc can be used for booting the system but also it…

  • How to safely remove USB gadgets from your computer in Windows 7?

    I’ve seen it a million times but that doesn’t make it right: unplugging the USB stick or other USB gadget from the computer without safely removing it from the system. You can damage the data from the storage of that device (if it has any and most do) and you even risk to damage the…

  • How to crop a photo in Microsoft Word 2007?

    You inserted a photo in a Word 2007 document but you just realized that you need to modify it first. Well, you can do that by modifying the photo in a special photo editor like Photoshop but if it’s only a matter of cropping the photo you don’t need to bother. You can do it…

  • How to add a web or an e-mail address to text in Microsoft Word 2007?

    If you’re writing a formal letter to someone it’s not very elegant to just paste links or e-mail addresses inside the document, especially if the link is longer than a paragraph. However, you can “hide” them into the text itself and it’s very easy to do. Here’s how! Step 1: Open the document and highlight…

  • How to change the default font and font size in Microsoft Word 2007?

    If you write a lot, like me, it’s a real pain to change the font and font size every time you create a new document. However, in Microsoft Word 2007 it’s really easy to change the defaults and forget about the whole manual tasks to get there. Here is how you do it: Step 1:…

  • How to hide a row or a column in Microsoft Excel 7?

    If you have to print an Excel form with confidential information it’s always a tricky thing. Sure, you can always print it as it is and then use a marker to hide the rows or columns that you don’t want to disclose to some people. But if we’re talking about a ten or more pages…

  • How to restore a previous version of a file in Windows 7?

    Have you ever had the problem of modifying a file and realize that you also need the original only AFTER you saved the new and modified one? Well, it’s a pretty common mistake but don’t panic because there is a simple solution to that. Step 1: Find the file that you modified, or, if you…

  • How can you count the words and characters in Microsoft Word 2007?

    Just yesterday I received a document by e-mail and the sender said that the document contains approximately 1.000 words. Well, in just 2 clicks I found exactly the number of words and it was far less than that. Here’s how you do it. Step 1: Click on the review tab. Step 2: Click on the…

  • How to remove the header and footer of a document in Microsoft Word 2007?

    Let’s say you got a document and you want to work on it but you don’t want those official header and footer that only take up precious space and attract attention. If it’s just some text you can just double click on it and delete it but you will still have some kind of [Type…

  • How to change the function of the Shut Down button?

    How many times do you shut down your PC at the office? Probably once, although I know people (although I’m not gonna give any names) who leave their computer ON permanently. How about the PC at home? Probably once or twice (if you have a weird schedule like me). The point is that the Shut…

  • How to change the Windows sounds?

    Aren‘t you tired of the same old, boring sounds of the Windows system? Don’t you want to make it play the sounds of your people instead? Well, it can even play your favorite tune as you shut it down. Interested? Here’s how to do that. Step 1: Click on the Start button and then click…

  • How to reopen a browser tab you accidentally closed?

    It happened to me a thousand times and probably will happen again. I close browser tabs by mistake then cry over the fact that I don’t know how I got there. Well, I don’t actually cry because I know a little secret you should know too. Tabs can be reopened in any browser and here…

  • How to kill processes in Windows 7?

    If your computer freezes for whatever reason and doesn’t respond anymore the solution is not to hit the ON/OFF button of unplug the computer from the outlet. There is an easier way out although it could take a few seconds. Step 1: Hold down the Ctrl and Alt buttons and then press Delete. A blue…

  • How to manage Extensions in Google Chrome browser?

    A lot of sites offer generously to install add-ons or how Google calls them, extensions, for your browsers. It’s OK and some of them you really need and use but let’s face it, most of them just clog down your browser making it slower or slowing down the system. Here is how you manage the…