Advanced Uninstaller Pro13.27.0
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This program is advertising supported and may offer to install third-party programs that are not required. Thesemay include a toolbar,changing your homepage, default search engine,or installing other part prograsns.Thesecoold be false positives,and our users are advised to be careful when installing and using this saftware.
About Advanced Uninstaller Pro
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a comprehensive software tool designed to help users fully remove unwanted programs, files, and browser extensions from their computers. Developed by Innovative Solutions, this software goes beyond the standard uninstallation process by thoroughly cleaning leftover files, folders, and registry entries that regular uninstallers may miss. This results in improved system performance and increased disk space.
In addition to its powerful uninstallation features, Advanced Uninstaller PRO offers various utilities to optimize and maintain a PC. These include a startup manager, a registry cleaner, a file shredder for securely deleting sensitive data, and a browser cleaner for removing toolbars and plugins. The program's user-friendly interface and straightforward navigation make it accessible for users of all experience levels.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO also includes a real-time installation monitor that tracks and logs changes made by new software, allowing users to reverse those changes completely if needed. This makes it an ideal choice for users looking for a robust solution to manage and optimize their PC's performance.
Key Features:
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