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IrfanView (32bit)4.67

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About IrfanView (32bit)

IrfanView is a popular and versatile image viewer and editor for Windows. It was developed by Irfan Skiljan in 1996 and has since become one of the most widely used image viewers in the world.

One of the key features of IrfanView is its ability to support a wide range of file formats. It can open and display images in over 100 different file types, including popular formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. Additionally, it can play videos and audio files, making it a useful multimedia tool.

IrfanView also includes a variety of editing tools, such as the ability to crop, resize, and adjust color levels. It also includes basic image manipulation tools like blur, sharpen, and rotate. For more advanced editing, IrfanView offers a wide range of plugins that can be downloaded and installed to extend the functionality of the software.

In addition to its editing capabilities, IrfanView also offers a number of useful features for managing and organizing images. It can create slideshows, batch process images, and create contact sheets. It also has a built-in image converter that allows users to quickly convert files between different formats.

IrfanView is a powerful and user-friendly image viewer and editor that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. Whether you're a professional photographer or just someone who wants to view and edit images on their computer, IrfanView is a great tool to have in your software arsenal.

Key Features:

  • Image viewing for various file formats.
  • Basic image editing tools such as crop, rotate, and resize.
  • Batch conversion of multiple images to different file formats at once.
  • Large collection of third-party plug-ins to extend its capabilities.
  • Built-in screen capture tool to capture screenshots of your desktop or active window.
  • Customizable slideshows with speed, transition effects, and other settings.

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